Sunday, May 22, 2016

Radical Islamic Groups - An exploration into the history and future of a tumultuous relationship

In the years after World War I the Ottoman Empire was split into multiple different countries.  During the split European powers did not consider the conflicted religious views of each new country.  The area's claim to fame is oil.  It is estimated that 80% of the world's oil comes from the region.  A formation of terrorism movements came about in the 1960s when Sunni and Shiite Muslims wanted to remove Western influence in their countries.  After the 1979 invasion of Afghanistan, religious groups such as Hezbollah and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad formed. Then after the cold war a few countries had their governments fall.  During the tumble the people were given advanced weaponry.  The same weapons are being used today.
    A few of the most notable Islamic terrorist groups include:

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS, ISIL or the Islamic State)
 Salafi Jihadist Militant Group that follows Islamic Fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam
Responsible for:
  • Brussels Attack (2016)
  • San Bernardino Shooting (2015)
  • Paris Attacks (2015), & Garland
  • Texas Shooting (2015) 

Boko Haram
Jihadist group based out of Northeastern Nigeria, Chad, and Northern Cameroon

Pledged allegiance to ISIS/ISIL (March 2015) 
Responsible for:
  • Northern Nigeria Attacks (January 2014)
  • Kano, Nigeria Attacks (December 2015)

Boko Haram Flag

Al-Qaeda (the Base)
A militant Sunni Islamist global organization 
Responsible for:
  • February 26, 1993 World Trade Center attack
  • 1998 U.S Embassy Bombings
  •  September 11, 2001 Attacks
  •  2002 Bali Bombings

al-Qaeda Flag

Former Leader Osama Bin Laden

 Solutions for defeated ISIS vary from country to country.  The United States and Russia use airstrikes.  The U.S. also cuts of supplies and aid.  In defeated these groups the U.S. collects a lot intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen.

Documentaries on Islamic Terrorist Groups:

For more information on Islamic terrorist groups

Work Cited
DePetris, Daniel R. "The 5 Deadliest Terrorist Groups on the Planet." The National Interest. Center for National Interest, 16 Nov. 2014. Web. 22 May 2016. 
OPEC. "OPEC Countries." OPEC :. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, 2016. Web. 22 May 2016. 
Abubakar, Aminu, and Brianna Duggan. "Boko Haram Attacks in Nigeria Kill 52." CNN. Cable News Network, 29 Dec. 2015. Web. 22 May 2016  

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