Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Washington Redskins Appeal To SCOTUS On Trademark And Seek To Tie Their Case To That Of The Slants

Unit 4

The Washington Redskins Official Logo 
The Washington Redskins have been owning the National Football League headlines by signing big name free-agents and releasing the former number two overall pick in the draft, Robert Griffin III.   In a less appealing story the infamous redskins trademark has been cancelled.  This is due to a massive support of American Indians claiming the team name was disparaging to their people.  The team has since appealled to the United States Supreme Court.  They have "teamed up" with the Asian music group, The Slants.  The Slants have a similar case in that their name is disparaging.  The two groups are considered to be back by the 1st Amendment.
The Asian music group, The Slants 
 The two groups are looking to be granted writ of certiorari.  This will allow for the highest court, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to review the case.  Judicial Philosophy could play an important role in the case.  It seems the case are constitutionally in favor of the Redskins and The Slants but it is in some moral gray area.  The death of Antonia Scalia is a key piece of information because he was a big proponent of the Constitution which would favor the Skins and Slants.  With only 8 justices a swing vote could be the difference between a final verdict and a tie. 
The current Supreme Court with the deceased Antonia Scalia

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